PWR Racing satsar på ung talang och mångårig erfarenhet i WTCR – FIA World Touring Car Cup presenterad av Oscaro. De två förare som kommer att representera PWR och CUPRA Racing i WTCR är 22-årige spanjoren Mikel Azcona, regerande mästare i TCR Europe och Daniel Haglöf, flerfaldig mästerskapsvinnare och medgrundare av PWR Racing.


March 15, 2019

Daniel Haglöf

Daniel Haglöf har ett starkt CV som ung förare men bestämde sig 2012 för att bygga upp ett eget racingteam tillsammans med Peter ”Poker” Wallenberg. Knappt sju år efter starten tar nu både PWR Racing och Daniel Haglöf chansen att visa vad de går för på världsscenen. Daniel har tävlat för PWR i olika former sedan starten 2012, med flera race- och mästerskapssegrar som resultat.

Innan starten av PWR har Daniel en lång bakgrund inom standardvagnsracing, med mästerskapssegrar i bland annat JTCC, Volvo S60 Challenge och Mini Challenge. 2018 slutade han trea i STCC med totalt sex pallplaceringar varav två racesegrar.

– Jag ser fram emot att återigen köra internationellt och triggas verkligen av att få chansen att tävla mot några av världens bästa förare. Att dessutom göra det med teamet som jag och Poker byggt från grunden känns riktigt stort! Min teamkamrat Mikel är en riktigt lovande förare som ligger helt i linje med PWRs målsättning att stötta unga talanger i deras racingkarriärer. Jag tror att vi båda kommer att bjuda på både bra racing och resultat i årets mästerskap, säger Daniel Haglöf, förare och VD på PWR Racing.

Mikel Azcona

Mikel Azcona har en lysande bakgrund inom standardvagnsracing med topp tre-placeringar i alla mästerskap han kört de senaste åren. Bland annat trea i SEAT Leon Eurocup 2015, tvåa i samma serie 2016, tvåa i Audi Sport TT Cup 2017 och segrare i TCR Europe 2018. PWR Racing är imponerade av den unge spanjorens framfart på banan kombinerat med ödmjukheten vid sidan av.

Nu tar Mikel steget upp till WTCR tillsammans med PWR och CUPRA Racing och blir en viktig pusselbit både i teamets vision att främja unga talanger och jakten på internationella framgångar.

– I feel super happy and proud to join PWR and CUPRA Racing in the WTCR. It’s going to be an exciting season full of great challenges. I look forward to the hard work in front of me, to be competitive in this tough field full of world champions. Lastly I want to thank PWR and CUPRA Racing for believing in me as a driver, säger Mikel Azcona, förare på PWR Racing.

– Mikel is no longer only a promising driver. His performance last year at the TCR Europe Touring Car Series which resulted in the first championship victory of his career is a proof of his skills and personality. He has taken his youthfulness as an asset, and he has taken a good decision by pairing with a veteran driver like Daniel Haglöf. I expect the best from both Mikel, Daniel and the PWR Racing team this season in WTCR, säger Jaime Puig, Director and Head of CUPRA Racing.

Tillsammans med Daniel bildar Mikel en föraruppställning med mängder av rutin, erfarenhet, talang och hunger efter toppresultat. Alla dessa egenskaper blir viktiga nycklar för att nå framgång i årets mästerskap som är fyllt till bredden med världsmästare.

Säsongen startar med försäsongstester i Barcelona den 28 mars och premiär i Marocko en dryg vecka senare.

English version

PWR Racing reveals WTCR driver line up

PWR Racing puts their hopes to youthful talent and extensive touring car experience in this years WTCR – FIA World Touring Car Cup presented by Oscaro. The two drivers that will represent PWR and CUPRA Racing in WTCR are 22 year old Spanish Mikel Azcona, reigning TCR Europe champion and Daniel Haglöf, multiple championship winner and co-founder of PWR Racing.

Daniel Haglöf have a strong CV at young age in touring cars but decided to start building his own racing team with Peter ”Poker” Wallenberg in 2012. Barely seven years later both PWR Racing and Daniel Haglöf will now compete at the highest level in touring car racing. Daniel have been driving for PWR in different forms since 2012 and won multiple championships for the team.

Daniels background before the PWR era includes multiple championship victories both in Sweden and internationally, Volvo S60 Challenge and Mini Challenge to name a few. In 2018 Daniel ended up third in the STCC – TCR Scandinavia, racking up six podiums and two victories.

– I’m really looking forward to be competing on an international level again and I’m triggered by driving against the very best in this category of racing. To be doing it with the team that me and Poker have built together is a huge achievement! My team mate Mikel is a really promising driver who aligns very well with PWR Racings ambition to aid young talent in their racing careers. I think that we’ll put on a great show and achieve good results in this years championship, says Daniel Haglöf, CEO and PWR Racing driver.

Mikel Azcona have a bright history in touring cars despite his young age, finishing top three in all his championships the past years. Coming home third in SEAT Leon Eurocup 2015, second in the same series in 2016, second in Audi Sport TT Cup 2017 and TCR Europe champion in 2018. It’s not hard to see why PWR Racing is impressed by the young Spanish.

Mikel will now take the biggest step in his career so far, becoming an important part in PWRs vision to grow young talent and compete for international success.

– I feel super happy and proud to join PWR and CUPRA Racing in the WTCR. It’s going to be an exciting season full of great challenges. I look forward to the hard work in front of me, to be competitive in this tough field full of world champions. Lastly I want to thank PWR and CUPRA Racing for believing in me as a driver, says Mikel Azcona, driver at PWR Racing.

– Mikel is no longer only a promising driver. His performance last year at the TCR Europe Touring Car Series which resulted in the first championship victory of his career is a proof of his skills and personality. He has taken his youthfulness as an asset, and he has taken a good decision by pairing with a veteran driver like Daniel Haglöf. I expect the best from both Mikel, Daniel and the PWR Racing team this season in WTCR, says Jaime Puig, Director and Head of CUPRA Racing.

Together Daniel and Mikel forms a driver line up with lots of experience, talent, and hunger for top results. All important keys to reach success in a championship filled to the brim with former world champions.

The season starts with pre season testing in Barcelona on the 28:th of March and premieres eight days later in Morocco.